
More resources are still under development.

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2023 Figma UI Kit

Components designed using Figma's latest variable configuration provide Light/Dark/Dark Alpha theme switching to help you quickly build interface designs.

Figma Variables

Components all use variables to quickly switch between dark and light modes.

Figma Template

Newly designed Figma component library in 2022 with new features such as Auto-layout and Variants.

2024 MasterGo UI Kit

MasterGo component library with optimized adaptive layouts, more complete component states, and variant switching.

Sketch Template

Newly designed Sketch component library in 2022 with full components for Element Plus to improve design efficiency while keeping a unified visual style.

Axure Components

By importing Element Plus in Axure, you can easily apply all the components we provide during interaction design.

Released under the MIT License.

Made with ❤️ by Element Plus